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2021 News 2021. 12. 8 - Anwar, Zahra, and Mya presented their work at MRS Fall 2021. 2021. 12. 8 - Dr. Choi presented a Distinguished Mercer Lecture at the Department of Electrical, Computer, or Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 2021. 12. 2 - Congratulations to Anwar for passing his comprehensive exam! Now, he has advanced to the status of Ph.D candidate. 2021. 11. 22 - Dr. Choi gave an invited talk for Build-a-Cell seminar series. He talked about "Electrogenic bacteria for powering, sensing, and synthesizing." 2021. 10. 9 - Dr. Choi will give an invited talk on "Papertronics and Paperfluidics" at 2022 MRS Spring (May, 2022, SF03 - Paper based packaging - 21st Century Perspectives on an Ancient Material) 2021. 10. 7 - Dr. Choi gave a Keynote talk on "Bacteria-Powered Batteries" at the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering - Recent Applications of Bioelectrochemical Technology for Sustainable Energy and Environment Session. 2021. 9. 10 - Three abstracts have been accepted for Oral Presentations at 2021 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit (Dec. 6-8, Virtual). Congratulations! Anwar, Zahra, and Mya!! 2021. 9.9 - Dr. Choi gave an invited talk at 32nd Annual Elctronics Packaging Symposium. He talked about "Papertronics for Internet of Disposable Things." 2021. 7. 7 - Our research article on cyanobacterial biophotovoltaics has been accepted by Journal of Power Sources (IF 9.1) 2021. 6. 11 - The 2019-2020 senior capston project on a paper-based biosolar cell has been featured in Watson Review - Summer 2021. 2021. 5. 3 - Dr. Choi will be promoted to the rank of Full Professor, effective September 1, 2021. 2021. 5. 3 - Our research article on biobatteries with bacterial endospores has been accepted by Biosensors and Bioelectroincs (IF 10.3) 2021. 4. 17 - Two federal research grants have been featured in the university news. 2021. 4. 8 - Dr. Choi as a sole-PI received $510k grant from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) for research on biosolar panels. 2021. 4. 8 - Our research article on co-cultured biobatteries has been accepted by Advanced Energy Materials (IF 25.2) 2021. 4. 7 - Lin Liu has passed her PhD defense. Congratulations and good luck with your future in Seattle Pacific University. 2021. 4. 3 - Our work has been featured in the depatment news!! 2021. 4. 3 - Dr. Choi gave a Keynote talk at the 30th NRC. 2021. 3. 19 - Lin Liu has secured a tenure-track Assisant Professor position from Seattle Pacific University. Congratulations! 2021. 2. 26 - Dr. Choi as a sole-PI received $370k grant from NSF for research on rapid and high-throughput biosensing. 2021. 2. 13 - We welcome a new PhD studnet, Zahra Rafiee, to our group. 2021. 2. 05 - Prof. Choi was placed in the "World's Top 2% Scientists" according to the findings of a research conducted at Stanford University. 2021. 1. 11 - Our work on antibiotic susceptibility testing was featured on Diagnostics World. 2021. 1. 05 - Our review article on microbial solar cells has been accepted by Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IF 10.3)